K-8 Facilities Update to Families and Staff (10/13/23)

Emailed: October 13, 2023

Dear CASD Families and Staff,

As you are likely aware, this summer a committee of about 100 staff, parents, and community members met several times with our administration and a school facilities consultant to carefully analyze the way we are utilizing our schools for grades K - 8. The committee prepared a recommendation to our School Board of Directors with potential changes. 

We are facing growing enrollment in the northern part of our school district, have an increasing need to balance our class sizes, and need to support our students more effectively and efficiently by better distributing our programs and staff throughout our K – 8 schools. In addition, Mt. Holly and LeTort Elementary Schools are rapidly aging and in need of costly repairs. 

After examining nine different models for ways to reconfigure our K – 8 facilities, our committee brought two suggested models to our School Board last evening. Both models include the closing of Mt. Holly and LeTort, as these are two of our oldest elementary schools. Both models also include the construction of a new school and some renovation of existing schools. 

I want to assure you that our entire leadership team understands how challenging this news might be to parents, as well as to our staff and students. Our LeTort and Mt. Holly Springs families were notified in advance of the presentation. If one of these models is approved this winter, the earliest any changes would take place for students and staff would be the 2025-2026 school year. 

Each of the models reconfigures our grades to keep kindergarten through third grade together in lower elementary schools, which will allow us to focus our academic efforts on building a stronger foundation for our youngest students. Each model moves grades 4 – 6 together into two mid-sized upper elementary schools and grades 7 – 8 will remain together in either one new intermediate school or within our existing middle schools. 

The plans certainly bring several changes for families who have students in grades K – 8 across our school district. Change can be difficult, but it can also be very positive and bring new, exciting opportunities – including updated learning spaces, more balanced class sizes, better programming, and the more efficient use of staff and resources. We truly believe that these plans provide many benefits and bring our students together as One Carlisle with increased educational support.

Our committee presented both models to our School Board last night, Thursday, October 12, 2023.  To view the YouTube recording of the meeting (just over one hour long), access the PowerPoint presentation, the flyer that was distributed, or any other previous information that has been shared, please visit the district website at www.carlisleschools.org/exploringK8.

We will host a series of community meetings to review this proposal and to gather community feedback.  You are invited to attend any of these meetings mentioned below. The same information will be presented at each meeting:

October 17 at 6 p.m. at Wilson Middle School
October 24 at 5 p.m. at Lamberton Middle School
October 30 at 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.  – virtual meetings

Please click here register for one of these sessions.

Once plans are approved, we will work with our students, staff, and families to ensure that we are extremely sensitive to our students as we move through this process. We will consult with other school districts that have successfully closed schools and moved students to new buildings and learn from them as to what has helped to ease and smooth their transitions. 

If you have questions or concerns over the next month, you are welcome to reach out at [email protected]. Our administration checks this email daily and will use your questions and feedback for future communications.  

We understand this will be a significant transition for students, staff, and families, and we are committed to an extremely thorough, thoughtful transition for those who would be impacted.  We will approach each phase with the utmost attention to transparency and communication. Thank you for your partnership, trust, and support for our students.


Colleen M. Friend, Ed.D.
Carlisle Area School District