AEW 2019-2020

2019-2020 American Education Essay Contest

Every year in celebration of American Education Week the Carlisle Area School District sponsors an essay contest for students in grades 4-12. Each winner receives a bronze medallion, their name inscribed on the winner plaque which hangs in the winner's school, and a book will be placed in their school's library in their name. 

This year's essay prompts were:


What makes your school a great public school? Write a thoughtful and well-organized essay in which you explain how your elementary school successfully educates and engages you and your peers.

Middle School:

John Lubbock is quoted as saying, "The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught, as that every child should be given the desire to learn." Identify and explain how a teacher or community member has helped inspire you to learn something. What character traits did he or she have that drove you to achieve?

High School:

The United States has always been a place where words, thought and ideas have been allowed to flow and grow, despite the fact that there may be differing viewpoints. The American-born author, poet and historian, Aberjhani, once said, "Democracy is not simply a license to indulge individual whims and proclivities It is also holding oneself accountable to some reasonable degree for the conditions of peace that impact the lives of those who inhabit one's beloved extended community." Write a thoughtful and well-organized essay in which you explore what Aberjhani means by this. Provide evidence from your personal and educational career where you have seen this philosophy at work.elow are the winning essays to download and read:

Photos from the 2019-20 Awards Ceremony

Bellaire Elementary: Elise Stroud

Crestview Elementary: Aviyana Palmer

Hamilton Elementary: 5th Grade Classes

LeTort Elementary: Miss Leidigh's 4th Grade Class

Mooreland Elementary: Claire Good

Mt. Holly Springs Elementary: Evan Flickinger

North Dickinson Elementary: Alyvia McBride

Lamberton Middle: Olivia Starner

Lamberton Middle: Ella Barr

Wilson Middle: Griffin Pak

Wilson Middle: Elisabeth Forrester

Carlisle High School: Ellie Knapp

Carlisle High School: Gretal Shank