
Welcome to Band at Carlisle!

Please click on your teacher's name below to send them an email.

WMS 6, 7/8 Bands - Ms. Hupfer, Director
LMS 6, 7/8 Bands - Mrs. Yang, Director
CHS Concert Band & Symphonic Band - Mr. Marrazzo, Director
Elementary Bands - Mr. Funkhouser, Mrs. Ream,
Ms. Fingerman, and Ms. Visceglia

September 4, 2024 - Instrument Try-Out Night for ES at Lamberton Middle School at 6 PM
September 11, 2024 - Instrument Try-Out Night for ES at Wilson Middle School at 6 PM
October 16, 2024 - Marching Band at Mt. Holly Springs Halloween Parade
October 23, 2024 Marching Band at Carlisle Halloween Parade
November 19, 2024 - CHS Fall Concert with choir/band/orchestra at Carlisle High School at 7 PM
December 5, 2024 - Marching Band at Carlisle Holiday Parade

December 10, 2024 - LMS Winter Concert with choir/band/orchestra at Lamberton Middle School at 7 PM
December 11, 2024 - WMS Winter Concert with choir/band/orchestra at Wilson Middle School at 7 PM
March 13, 2025 - CASD Band Concert at Carlisle High School at 7 PM
May 1, 2025 - CHS Spring Band Concert at Carlisle High School at 7 PM
May 15, 2025 - WMS Spring Band and Orchestra Concert at Wilson Middle School at 7 PM
May 19, 2025 - LMS Spring Band and Orchestra Concert at Lamberton Middle School at  7 PM
May 21, 2025 - Elementary Spring Concert with choir/band/orchestra at Carlisle High School at  6:30 PM