In an ever-changing world revolving around the latest technology, individuals with technical skills in the information technology field are in high demand. Support for computer networking, virtualization, cyber security, troubleshooting, and repair are particularly high in demand. Carlisle High School offers training to obtain industry-standard certifications in the following areas: networking (Cisco CCNA, Network+, Security+); PC operations, maintenance, and repair (CompTIA A+, Google IT Support); and workstation and server operating systems (MCP, Linux Essentials). Students taking these courses should seek to earn the corresponding certification. Additionally, Carlisle High School offers OSHA General Lab Safety for all CTE programs. Students choosing to enter the computer systems networking program will complete tasks and develop skills that will prepare them for the workforce and/or post-secondary education in the information technology field. Carlisle students have the opportunity to work in a state-of-the-art networking lab that was completely renovated in the summer of 2021. Students also keep up with the latest technology including AR, VR, and AI. Additionally, as a recognized program of study by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, students can take advantage of many statewide articulation agreements to gain post-secondary credits.