Track & Field Booster Club

Welcome to the Carlisle Area Track & Field Booster Club

Booster Contact Info: [email protected]

Booster Club Venmo:
T&F Venmo     Team Facebook Groupfb  
Google Form: Form

2024 begins our 12th year as an organized Track & Field Booster Club - Welcome!
Every parent is automatically part of the Carlisle Area Track & Field Booster Club.  There is no membership fee, but we need your help in other ways to support us with donations and volunteering your time.

With your generous support we will:

  • Provide team meals for two long distance meets
  • Provide food and drink for two team bonding events
  • Hold restaurant fundraiser nights to raise money for the club. This also provide team members a fun way to get together after practice, families can enjoy a fun night while supporting the team through donations of the host restaurant
  • Plan and manage the budget for the annual Stan Morgan Invitational at Carlisle
  • Host Senior night at the last meet of the regular season; honoring seniors and their families with special ceremony, keepsakes and reception
  • Provide snacks/drinks for post season meets
  • Purchase State Championship T-shirts for those athletes and managers making the PIAA State Championship meet
  • Host a formal Track & Field Banquet, at no charge for athletes and coaches
  • Provide end of season awards, to include $100 track camp reimbursements for "Rising Star" awardees and scholarships to one senior girl and one senior boy during the Track & Field Banquet

Our primary source of funding for the activities outlined above is from generous monetary donations. Rather than ask athletes and parents to participate in numerous small fundraisers throughout the season, we focus our fundraising model on the Stan Morgan Invitational at Carlisle by
        a) soliciting Family and Corporate sponsors before the May 4, 2024 Stan Morgan Invitational at Carlisle, and
        b) selling T-shirts at the event.

What do we need from you?

  • Provide end of season awards, to include $100 track camp reimbursements for "Rising Star" awardees and scholarships to one senior girl and one senior boy during the Track & Field Banquet
  • Complete this Google Form using this link: This will capture information for the coaches as well as the boosters.
  • Share your contact information and talents with us, please thoughtfully complete the google Form. You are welcome to provide feedback to our club email:  [email protected].  
  • Volunteer to assist with events during the Stan Morgan Invitational at Carlisle on May 4, 2024.
  • Solicit donations for the Stan Morgan Invitational at Carlisle. If every family requests a sponsorship from at least one family member or corporate donor, we will easily meet all our needs. Additional information and forms will be presented later in the season.
  • Share your good ideas and get involved; our athletes deserve our best!

2024 Track and Field Board Members:
President: Heather Leatherman
Vice President:
Secretary: Kim Jerosky
Treasurer: Eric Bondy
Members-at-Large: Linda Shank, Cathleen Hribal, Liz Campbell
Head Coach: DJ Rodkey
Middle School Head Coach: Dave Moore
Stan Morgan Invitational Meet Manager: Harold Travis

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]

Our By-Laws are shown at the link below.

Related Files
Booster Club By-Laws