Students Design & Sell Hoodies

Students Design & Sell Hoodies

The Wilson Middle School 8th Grade Manufacturing and Design Class is proud to announce a partnership with the C-Luv Thrift Shop in beautiful downtown Carlisle.  C-Luv Thrift, located at 20 N. Hanover Street, has agreed to display and sell our first product of the year…Breakout Hoodies!

Breakout Hoodies are stylish, comfortable, warm, and very affordable at the super low price of only $15.  Students in Mr. Hvizdos’s Technology Education class created a company, brainstormed ideas, developed a design, ordered materials, and screen printed each one by hand.  They are available in adult sizes from small to extra-large and come in green, pink, black, gray, and white.  Supplies are limited, so please stop by the C-Luv Thrift Store to check out the product and place an order today.

Students and staff at Wilson Middle School are also allowed to place their order at our display table in the front lobby from 8:25 to 8:45 daily.