Welcome Incoming CASD Kindergarten Students
Dear Incoming CASD Kindergarten Students,
We can't wait to meet you on the first day of Kindergarten. We are looking forward to an exciting year!! To help you prepare for our time together we encourage you to watch the videos linked below and work through the activities together with your family. This will give you an idea of what is expected of a CASD kindergartener and a window into some of the activities that occur in a typical kindergarten class.
CASD Kindergarten Staff
Kindergarten Checklist
1. Click here to register your child for Kindergarten.
2. Click here to watch Kindergarten Ready videos with your child.
3. Read and Talk with your child daily. Click here for some activities.
4. Attend On-Site Registration on Friday, April 19, 2024, between 9 am and 4 pm (Lamberton Middle School)
5. Attend the Back to School Bash on Thursday, August 1, 2024, between 3 and 6 pm (Lamberton Middle School)