New to PowerSchool? PowerSchool Access Notes
Use PowerSchool DAILY, or at least every other day!
Talk to your parent/guardian to ALSO use PowerSchool.
Work together, COOPERATIVELY, to help improve/optimize your grades. But, do NOT depend on your parent/guardian to have the sole responsibility for reviewing your grades!
Your parents do not understand your assignments as well as you.
Make sure you go into each Detail Screen (even little mistakes can add up!)
Look for patterns within each subject’s Detail Screen. (Not doing homework, poor test/quiz performance, low notebook check scores, etc.)
Don’t assume that your teachers will fix errors, YOU must catch those errors!
Your Final Grade is calculated using the “Score” column. Your Final Grade is significantly, NEGATIVELY impacted by “0” grades! Eliminate ALL “0” grades!
If you notice errors or work that you have not done yet, either make copies of the Detail Sheet and highlight those assignments. You could also list the problem assignments on tablet paper and talk with your teacher.
The longer you wait to fix errors the greater the chance you will lose points! You only have to worry about your PowerSchool Detail Screen your teacher has to focus on over 100 Detail Screens! Most mistakes in PowerSchool are NOT in your favor! YOU MAKE SURE YOUR SCREENS ARE CORRECT!!!
Make sure you are aware how long each of your teachers allow you to make up work! This is the main reason you need to use PowerSchool (hopefully) everyday!
E-mail your teachers, using PowerSchool if you have any questions.
If you are absent, or out of school for any reason, make sure you review PowerSchool carefully and touch base with your teacher the first day you return to school.
Do NOT assume your teachers will remind you of work you need to make up. High school teachers expect YOU to keep on top of your assignment status.
Do ALL extra credit/bonus assignments, they could save you!
Check the Attendance History screen to make sure there are no attendance mistakes. Don’t forget that the attendance codes are located at the bottom of the screen.
Check the School Bulletin screen so you don’t miss any important information/events.