A Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a systematic intervention process for students at risk. An at-risk student is one who has an emotional, social, and/or substance abuse problem that interferes with the normal learning process. These problems include, but are not limited to, the following:
Academic, emotional, behavioral and social difficulties
Eating disorders
Depression, anxiety, or other mental health problems
Substance use or abuse
Suicidal thoughts or gestures
Self-harm (cutting or scratching oneself)
The middle school SAP team members have committed themselves to identifying the students who have problems which affect their learning. Each student is a special individual who is a product of his/her home, school, and community environments. Therefore, a team effort is essential for the Student Assistance Program to be effective.
If you are interested in having your child participate in the Student Assistance Program, then please contact one of the SAP team members in your child’s middle school.
Lamberton SAP Team
Wilson SAP Team
Additional Resources
A statewide toll-free suicide and crisis hotline for teenagers and parents (1-800-722-5385)
Cumberland County Crisis Intervention: https://www.ccpa.net/2493/Crisis-Intervention (717.243.6005)
PA SAP Website: pnsas.org
Teenline: https://www.community-links.net/resources/community-directory/3507/teenline-of-holy-spirit-hospital-2/
Cumberland Perry Drug and Alcohol Commission: https://www.ccpa.net/115/Drug-Alcohol-Commission