The District will determine, on a case-by-case basis, if a day that otherwise would be cancelled will be a FID/Remote Learning Day and/or will be made-up on a designated Snow/Weather Make-Up Day as published on the CASD School Calendar. The decision will be communicated via the notification system for school closures and schedule changes.
If your child is absent from school during the preparation of a remote learning day and does not have their school device at home, you will be able to pick up your student’s device if there are no comparable resources at home for the student to utilize.
Prior to a remote learning day, students will be become familiar with Seesaw (grades K - 5) or Schoology (grades 6 - 12), how to navigate the platform, and where to access and submit assignments. All assignments are setup for most students to complete independently. However, younger students or students with accommodations may require support from an adult.
Students are expected to complete assignments for all classes that would normally meet on the designated remote learning day.
Daily Schedule
Teachers will have activities and assignments posted to their Seesaw or Schoology platform by 9 am on the remote learning day. Teachers, principals, counselors, and nurses will be available for assistance via email from 9 am - 12 pm and 1 pm - 3 pm.
Participation and Attendance
Students are expected to complete the remote learning activities by the end of the remote learning day. Students who do not participate will be marked as 'absent'. Students who do not participate and do not provide an attendance excuse within three days, will be noted with an unexcused absence for that day. Participation and attendance may be demonstrated in one of three methods:
- Students may submit work through their Seesaw or Schoology account.
- Students or parent/guardians(s) may email activities to the classroom or course teacher(s) who have made assignments for the day.
- Student may submit work in-person.
Work Completion
Students will receive credit for their work by submitting work, online or in-person, up to three days following the remote learning day. Assignments turned in after this period of time, or not submitted, may result in a reduction in grade for missing/late work.
The District believes that using remote learning days will allow students and teachers to continue the learning process while responding to a weather closure or building closures in an efficient manner.
Frequently Asked Questions