Before you visit:
1. Review the college catalog - especially the sections on admissions, tuition, scholarships, and programs of study.
2. Review your high school record and test scores.
3. Write or call the admissions office in advance for an appointment.
4. Arrange to sit in during a class in your potential major if possible.
During your visit:
1. Be prompt. Write down the names of important people that you meet.
2. Visit for at least two hours to get a feel for the campus atmosphere. Speak to students and ask what they like and dislike about the school.
3. Discuss financial matters with the financial aid officer and inquire about your prospects for admission with the admissions officer.
4. Ask questions, but do not ask for information that can be found in the catalog.
After your visit:
1. Make notes on your reactions to the college while it is still fresh in your mind.
2. Create a table so you can compare likes and dislikes between the schools you visit.
3. Send a thank-you note to the admissions counselor.