Ways to Be Successful at School

  • Get to bed earlier ~ 8-10 hours of sleep and eat breakfast.
  • Do homework every day!
  • Keep a schedule & budget your time wisely!
  • Don’t procrastinate ~ Chunk your work!
  • Keep an agenda & write down assignments
  • Stay Organized!
  • Be responsible for your work
  • Check teacher’s website frequently & Powerschool daily or at least every other day
  • Ask for help when needed: don’t be afraid to ask?’s
  • Stay on task, participate, take detailed notesand use active listening skills in class!
  • Study a little bit at a time; review notes; don’t cram – E-X-T-E-N-D the process!
  • Study in brightly lit areas
  • Take notes in color and use highlighters
  • Maintain good attendance!
  • Don’t forget materials and show up on time!
  • Do extra credit!
  • Form study groups
  • Communicate with teachers, especially if absent
  • Worry about yourself ~not others!
  • Meet Deadlines!
  • Have some fun along the way
  • Be honest and reasonable with yourself
  • Go to C.A.S.H. or see your teacher before or after school
  • Set expectations and goals for yourself!
  • See counselors if you need help or if you are having problems
  • Be a Leader in school and in class!
  • Limit time on computer and other distractions
  • Do something auditory/visual to stimulate your brain before studying
  • Take a break while studying
  • Eat a peppermint or chew peppermint gum to stimulate your brain
  • Use flash card/electronic flash cards on websites
  • Make positive connections in school: get involved!
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions!
  • Set long term goals- EX: To achieve a 95% average for the year
  • Keep open communication with teachers and parents
  • Don’t get into trouble/don’t get ISS or OSS – it keeps you out of class!
  • “What I do now will pay off in the future!”