You do not need an appointment to obtain a work permit, please bring the following documentation to the correct office during school hours. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
- Students must be at least 14 years of age.
- Parent/Guardian Signature and address on application. (Link below for application)
- Please fill out the personal information on the PDF work application below and bring it to the corresponding office.
- Birth Certificate or Passport. (If sending this documentation with your student to school, a copy will meet the requirements.)
- Student Signature on Work Permit.
Application: Click here to access application.
Middle School Students wishing to secure/obtain a work permit please contact your Middle School Office:
Wilson Middle School: Kerri Lilley at [email protected] (717-240-6800 x19825)
Lamberton Middle School: Pat Faller at [email protected] (717-240-6800 x15825)
High School Students wishing to secure/obtain a work permit may contact the Swartz Office:
Christina Henry at [email protected] (717-240-6800 x27805)
Jamee Fetterman at [email protected] (717-240-6800 x27825)
Additional "Work Permit" Information:
A copy of the Work Permit should be given directly to the employer by the student. The employer will keep the copy on file until such a time as employment is terminated. It is then the responsibility of the employer to notify the school district.
The employer may keep a copy of the permit if he desires. However, the student always maintains the original transferable permit.
NOTE: In the event a Transferable Work Permit is lost, the student will need to secure a new one, repeating the process above.