
Homework Menu:
Each week students will be given a new homework menu that is to be kept in the red folder. Depending on the length and difficulty of tasks, students will be asked to complete 3-6 squares a week (This will be noted at the bottom of the menu). 
The students have the freedom to choose which squares they want to do, with the exception of the center reading square. 
Students must do reading every night. 

15 minutes each night, Monday-Friday

*This can be students reading independently, reading with an adult, adult reading to the student, or a combination. It is important to foster a love for reading and build comprehension by asking questions about the story.

If your student is absent, there are hanging file folders for each day of the week on the side board. We will check the folder from the day of the week that he/she missed and complete the handout from that day for homework. It should be returned the following day!

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