Diversified Occupations

This work-based program is designed for students with an interest in a vocational career area not currently offered by the Center for Careers and Technology. Students work in business or industry and must also enroll in Workforce Education. An employer evaluation of students’ work performance will be included in the class grade.

Diversified Occupations is a direct relationship/partnership between a local business/industry and the local education agency. Career competency skills are developed at the job-training site. The school, in a classroom setting, provides related general as well as technical instruction, including safety. Diversified Occupations programs could include any of the occupational areas defined in Chapter 339.22(a) or other occupational areas not offered at the comprehensive high schools or area vocational technical school.

The diversified occupations program shall be available as a 1-year. This program is for 12th grade students who are unable to gain admission to a vocational program due to excessive applicants, inability to meet entrance requirements for other existing vocational programs or lack of specific vocational areas offered at the comprehensive high school or participating area vocational-technical school. Through diversified occupations, the students with specific career objectives are matched with a related employment experience while they attend career oriented planned periods of related classroom instruction at the school. The school provides limited technical skill instruction. Thus, the major portion of the technical skill instruction and competencies developed by the student takes place at the work site.  

Co-op Letter Clearances.docx

Diversified Occupations Application.doc

Co-op Training Agreement.docx

Co-op Information Sheet.doc

Co-op Obligations 

Weekly Report Diversified.docx

Student Performance Evaluation