Family and Consumer Sciences

cornacopia  black board   red house

Family & Consumer Science:
Ms. Sandra Stalnaker & Ms. Theresa Dixon: Instructors

Courses Offered: Contemporary Living Skills, Child Development, Family and Consumer Science: Skills for Success, Foods and Baking, Foods and Nutrition, and Transitioning into Life Beyond High School.


The Family and Consumer Science (FCS) courses are yearlong four days a week courses open to grades 9 –12, except where indicated. All courses stress an outcome-based philosophy with an emphasis placed on practical, hands-on experiences, projects, labs, and activities. Students do not need to pay for supplies, and can keep their finished project.  Students cannot enroll in more than one foods class (Foods and Baking / Foods and Nutrition) per school year, but they may enroll in more than one FCS course.

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Family Consumer Science Course Descriptions