In 2010, The Carlisle Area School District convened a group of administrators and teachers to begin revising the elementary report card. The committee reviewed literature on grading, looked at a variety of grading systems, and collected sample report cards and parent information from other school districts to help guide the process. The committee finalized its work during the 2012-2013 school year with a fully revised report card in a standards-based system at each grade level. During the 2013-2014 school year, the district conducted a pilot of this standards-based report card. This report card pilot was used with all teachers at LeTort Elementary School and with selected teachers at each grade level at Crestview Elementary School. A group of parents from both elementary schools participated on a parent advisory committee. This committee met throughout that school year and provided advice and guidance on this new reporting system. The district implemented a standards-based report card in Bellaire Elementary, LeTort Elementary, Mt. Holly Springs Elementary Schools and the remaining classrooms at Crestview Elementary School during the 2014-2015 school year. The 2015-2016 school year will finalize this transition by implementing the standards-based report card at Hamilton Elementary, Mooreland Elementary and North Dickinson Elementary Schools.